Wednesday, February 6, 2008


We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog to bring you the weather. Yes, we're having a blizzard in Madtown today! Our Music Director cancelled tonight's Chorus rehearsal, even though we sing this Sunday. If that weren't incredible enough, the city bus system cancelled all routes. My spouse walked two miles home after the bus he was riding got stuck -- and buses can plow through almost anything.

In addition to shoveling, my during-a-snowstorm tradition is to walk to the public library. Lots of Madisonians do that -- it's our version of the March of the Penquins. Today, however, even the library closed early! That's the most shocking of all. Wait, I just heard that the UW-Madison closed due to snow for the first time in eighteen years. Yahoo!

May all be enveloped in a white blanket of peace. (Not wet blankets!)
A Woman of the North

1 comment:

Nick said...

I'm glad you decided to do this, and I enjoyed reading all your postings up through the blizzard. I especially like the march of the penguins and the snow angels. Keep up the good work, the intelligent postings, and the whimsy.
Nick S.